I’d love to share this really quick exercise that helps to clear the clutter in your mind and drill down on exactly what the purpose of your business, website or blog is and the answers are something that you should continue to go back to in order to remind yourself why you started when you feel a bit lost. 

In order to identify your why, it’s important to go back a few steps and remember why you began. Today, take a little time and jot down the answers to the following questions:

  • What are you writing/blogging/selling?
  • How did you get to where you are today?
  • Is this your passion? Does it motivate and drive you?
  • Can you see yourself continuing this indefinitely?

blogging, websites, business, start-ups, entrepreneurs, copywriting

The answers should highlight straight away whether blogging is something you can commit to and, if the drive and passion is there, how you will continue to strive forward. Keep your notes handy too because these will help you on Day 2.

Really think about the answers you’ve come up with and your why should be clear. Once you have that, you have a strong foundation to build on and communicate to the people that matter most – your readers.

Join our Facebook group to share the answers you’ve uncovered.

SEO, search, search ranking



  • tellmetuesdayblog

    I’m currently going through a rebranding and have been exploring ALL of the “Why”s. It can seem a little daunting initially, but the value is priceless.

    • Stacey

      I find coming back to these questions helps me to find my focus again… sometimes a necessity on a daily basis! x

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