It happens to the best of us – can’t complete that blog post, struggling for a sticky e-newsletter subject line, fumbling over copy for your new batch of marketing collateral… 

The list goes on and it all leads to creativity block.

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There’s loads of tried-and-true methods of overcoming this obstacle out there but following are five of my favourites that work for me. Every. Single. Time.


It sounds super obvious but taking some time away from the project at head can really help to clear your mind. Physically move away from your computer screen and manually move your thoughts away to something else, whether it’s another task or planning the evening meal – as long as it’s something different. The subconscious works in amazing ways and most of the time the right phrase, wording or idea will come to you when you least expect it.


Ask for a colleague or friend’s opinion, visit on online forum (LinkedIn is always handy), put a call out on social media or phone your mum (I know mine is always ready and willing to give her opinion). You might not get exactly what you want but it could possibly lead to great starting point. And if it doesn’t work? Well, you haven’t really lost anything – except for the couple of hours in which you trawled Twitter…

creativity, content, content creation, inspiration


This is different for everyone. Some people may be inspired by checking out some pics on Instagram or rearranging their desk space. Others might need a change of scenery by heading out for a walk or goal to look forward to, like an event or vacation. Find out what inspires you and reach for it when you want creativity to follow.


The reason children are so creative is that they harness that energy during playtime and constantly prompted to use their imaginations. When was the last time you used your imagination..? Embrace your inner 4-year-old and colour-in, play with Lego, build with blocks or draw a picture. Just make sure your playtime includes loads of colours and a bit of daydreaming, and your creative juices will be flowing in no time.


Yes, if all else fails, I love me a good nap. Not only does it give your brain some time and space to rest, but it also prompts your subconscious to play again, resulting in dreams, which some say can be the key to our creativity. Try it!

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